Petal's Adventure on Earth

Once upon a time, there was a magical land called Earth. It had vast deserts, shimmering lakes, towering mountains, rushing rivers and rolling hills.
One day, a small flower named Petal decided to explore the world around her. She started her journey in the desert, where she saw cacti and hot sand dunes.
Next, Petal travelled to a lake where she saw schools of fish swimming and ducks paddling. Then she climbed a mountain and saw the world from a great height.
Petal continued to a river which flowed through the forests and she saw tall trees and colorful birds. She also went down a hill and saw fields filled with many different flowers.
Finally, Petal reached the ocean and was awed by its vastness and the creatures that lived within it. Petal realized how beautiful and diverse the Earth was and promised to visit every corner of it.
And so, Petal's travels continued and she never stopped exploring the wonders of the world.

The end.


  1. What was Petal's adventure about?
  2. What did Petal see during her journey?
  3. What did Petal learn about the world?
  4. What do you think Petal's next adventure will be?
  5. Can you name some of the places Petal visited in the story?

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