The Talented Friends Show

Once upon a time, there was a group of friends who loved to act, dance, sing, and juggle. They all had special talents and they wanted to show the world what they could do. One day, they decided to put on a big show for their friends and family.

The first friend got up in front of everyone and started to act. They acted out different scenes from their favorite stories, making everyone laugh and cheer.

Next, the second friend got up and started to dance. They danced to the beat of the music, twirling and leaping across the stage. Everyone was amazed by how graceful and talented they were.

The third friend then took the stage, and they sang a beautiful song that filled the room with joy. Their voice was so powerful and clear, it was hard not to be moved by it.

Finally, the fourth friend came up and began to juggle. They threw balls and other objects high into the air and caught them with ease. The crowd was so impressed, they couldn't stop clapping and cheering.

At the end of the show, they all took a bow and received a round of applause. They had worked so hard to perfect their skills, and it showed. They were all stars in their own right, and they knew that they could do anything they set their minds to.

From that day on, they continued to perform together, showing everyone just how much fun it can be to act, dance, sing, and juggle.


  1. What were the friends' special talents?
  2. How did they use their talents to put on a show?
  3. What did the audience think of their performance?
  4. What did the friends learn about themselves by performing together?
  5. What is the message of the story?

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