Chirpy's Delicious Cake Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little bird named Chirpy. Chirpy loved to bake, but she didn't have any eggs in her nest. She went to the market to buy some eggs and found a recipe for a cake. The recipe called for eggs, milk, salt, sugar, flour and butter. Chirpy gathered all the ingredients and started baking. She mixed the flour, sugar, salt and butter until it became soft and smooth. Then she added the eggs and milk and stirred it well. She poured the mixture into a baking tin and put it in the oven. After a while, the cake was ready and it looked so delicious. Chirpy took a bite and it was the most delicious cake she had ever tasted! She was very happy and decided to share it with all her friends in the forest. From that day on, Chirpy became known as the best baker in the forest. The end.


  1. What is the name of the little bird in the story?
  2. What ingredients did Chirpy use to make the cake?
  3. How did Chirpy feel after she tasted the cake?
  4. What happened to Chirpy after she baked the cake?
  5. Who did Chirpy share the cake with?

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