Spot the Shark and the Sharp Teeth Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a shark named Spot who had teeth so sharp they could cut through anything. Spot was different from all the other sharks because he had spots instead of stripes.
Spot loved to explore the ocean and one day, he came across a group of fish who were in trouble. A big net had trapped them and they couldn't escape. Spot knew he had to help. He used his sharp teeth to cut the net and set the fish free.
All the fish were so grateful to Spot and from that day on, they all became friends. Spot learned that being different was a good thing and that he could use his differences to help others.
The end.


  1. How did Spot feel about being different from other sharks?
  2. Why did the fish need help?
  3. How did Spot use his sharp teeth?
  4. What did Spot learn about being different?

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