Benny and the Mood Swings

Once upon a time, there was a little bear named Benny. One day, Benny woke up feeling angry because he couldn't find his favorite toy. He growled and stomped around his cave.
But then, he remembered his friend, the rabbit, who always made him happy. Benny ran to the rabbit's burrow to play and soon forgot about being angry.
Later that day, they heard a loud noise and got scared. They held on tight to each other, but then realized it was just a storm. They laughed and felt happy again.
However, Benny got angry when he saw that the storm had ruined his picnic. The rabbit cheered him up by suggesting they have a picnic inside instead. They had a fun indoor picnic and were not scared anymore.
In the end, Benny learned that being with friends can help you feel happy and not scared, even when things don't go as planned.


  1. How does Benny feel at the beginning of the story?
  2. Who helps Benny feel happy again?
  3. What makes Benny and the rabbit scared?
  4. How do Benny and the rabbit handle the scary situation?
  5. What lesson does Benny learn by the end of the story?

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