Max and Friends' Big Adventure.

Once upon a time, there was a woman who lived near a farm. She had a dog named Max and he loved to play with the animals on the farm. One day, he saw a duck swimming in a pond and they became fast friends. The duck's name was Quackers and she loved to play with Max too.

Meanwhile, nearby there was a pig named Porky who was always getting into mischief. Porky loved to play with the elephant named Ellie, who was very gentle and kind.

One day, the woman saw a man and a girl walking by the farm. The man's name was Mr. Smith and the girl's name was Sarah. They were looking for a lost boy and asked the woman if she had seen him. The woman said no, but offered to help look for the boy.

Max, Quackers, Porky, and Ellie decided to help too. They searched high and low for the boy, but couldn't find him. Just then, the boy appeared from behind a tree. His name was Timmy and he was playing with a ball.

Everyone was happy to see Timmy and Max was especially happy because he finally had a new friend to play with. From then on, Max, Quackers, Porky, Ellie, Sarah, Mr. Smith, and Timmy all played together every day on the farm, having lots of fun and adventures.


  1. Who is Max's best friend on the farm?
  2. What kind of animal is Porky?
  3. Who helps look for Timmy?
  4. Who is the lost boy in the story?
  5. How does the story end?

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