Tommy's Fun Day

Tommy wanted to have a fun day. He started by reading his favorite book. Then, he went outside to play with his friends. They ran and played games until lunchtime. Tommy was hungry, so they sat down to eat sandwiches and drink juice. After eating, they ran some more and played more games. When it was time for dinner, Tommy sat down to eat spaghetti and meatballs with his family. After dinner, Tommy took a bath and got ready for bed. He climbed into bed, said goodnight to his parents, and went to sleep. The end.


  1. What did Tommy do first when he wanted to have a fun day?
  2. What did Tommy and his friends do during lunchtime?
  3. What did Tommy eat for dinner with his family?
  4. How did Tommy get ready for bed?
  5. Why was Tommy's day so much fun?

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