The Slow and Silent Snail: A Race to the Finish".

One day, there was a loud and fast race car named Blaze. He loved to zoom around the track and show off his speed. However, there was a slow and silent snail named Slipper who always finished last in the races. One day, Blaze bragged about how fast he was and made fun of Slipper for being slow.

Feeling meek, Slipper decided to try and improve. Every day, she practiced and worked on her speed until she was able to move just a little faster. Eventually, she became so fast that she was able to beat Blaze in a race! Blaze was shocked, but also proud of Slipper for working so hard to get better. From then on, Blaze raced with more humility and Slipper continued to amaze everyone with her speed.


  1. How did Slipper feel when Blaze made fun of her?
  2. What did Slipper do to get faster?
  3. How did Blaze feel when Slipper beat him in the race?
  4. Why was Slipper able to beat Blaze in the end?
  5. What lesson can you learn from this story?

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