Title: "Jumpy the Helpful Frog

Once upon a time, there was a little frog named Jumpy. He loved to jump from lily pad to lily pad in the pond. One day, as he was jumping, he heard a crash, followed by a plop and a rip. He looked around and saw that his favorite lily pad had been torn apart by a big fish. Jumpy felt sad, but he decided to find another lily pad to jump on.

As he continued to hop, he heard another crash, followed by another plop and another rip. This time, it was coming from the other side of the pond. Jumpy quickly swam over to see what was happening.

When he arrived, he saw that a bird had fallen into the water and was trying to fly out, but its feathers were too wet and heavy. Jumpy knew he had to help. So, he jumped onto the bird's back and helped it flutter its wings until they were dry enough for it to fly out of the water.

The bird thanked Jumpy and flew away. Jumpy was happy that he could help, and he continued to jump from lily pad to lily pad, enjoying the peace and quiet of the pond. And from that day on, every time he heard a crash, plop, and rip, he knew that he could make a difference and help someone in need.


  1. Why did Jumpy feel sad when he heard the crash, plop, and rip?

  2. What did Jumpy do when he saw the bird fall into the pond?

  3. How did the bird thank Jumpy for helping it fly out of the water?

  4. What did Jumpy learn from this experience?

  5. How can you be like Jumpy and help others in need?

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