Max's Amazing Wash-Blend-Freeze Smoothie Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little robot named Max. Max loved to make smoothies, but he didn't have a blender. One day, Max had an idea. He thought, "I can use the washing machine to make my smoothies."

So Max gathered all the ingredients he needed, put them in the washing machine, and set it to freeze. The machine whirred and hummed as it mixed the ingredients together. When the cycle was done, Max opened the door and saw a delicious frozen smoothie mixture inside.

Next, Max put the mixture in the blender and turned it on. In no time, he had a perfectly blended smoothie. But wait, there was one more step. Max wanted to make sure his smoothie was perfectly chilled, so he put it in the freezer to freeze.

Finally, the smoothie was ready. Max took it out of the freezer and enjoyed every sip. From that day on, Max never had to worry about not having a blender. He used the washing machine to make all his smoothies, and they were always perfectly chilled and delicious!


  1. What did Max want to make?
  2. What did Max use to make his smoothies?
  3. How did Max make sure his smoothies were perfectly chilled?
  4. What was the result of Max's efforts?

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