Grandma's Playtime Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sarah. She loved to play with her friends and have fun. One day, after lunch, she and her friends decided to go on an adventure. They decided to run around and try new things. As they were playing, they decided to hide from each other and see who could find each other first.

Sarah found a perfect hiding spot, but then she heard something. It was her grandma! Grandma had come to play with her and her friends. Sarah was so happy to see her and they all went to play together. Grandma was so nice to them, and they had so much fun together. Finally, it was time for Sarah to go back home, but she couldn't wait to play with her grandma again tomorrow. The end.


  1. Who is Sarah's friend in the story?
  2. Who joins Sarah and her friends in their playtime adventure?
  3. What did they do after lunch?
  4. Where did Sarah hide?
  5. Why was Sarah happy to see her grandma?
  6. What did they do together?
  7. What was the end of the story like?

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