Lily's Outdoor Adventure with a Bucket, Puppet and Sprinkler

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to play outside and had a bucket, a puppet and a sprinkler to help her have fun in the sun. One day, while she was playing, she realized she had left her phone inside. She didn't want to go back inside, so she decided to have some fun with her bucket, puppet and sprinkler.
She filled her bucket with water from the sprinkler and used it to water her plants. Then, she used her puppet to put on a show for all of her stuffed animals. She was having such a great time that she didn't even miss her phone. The end.


  1. What did Lily do with her bucket, puppet and sprinkler?
  2. Why didn't Lily want to go back inside?
  3. How did Lily have fun without her phone?
  4. What did Lily use to put on a show for her stuffed animals?
  5. Did Lily miss her phone while she was playing outside?

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