The Flying Wolf and the Wish-Granting Moose

Once upon a time, a wolf lived in a forest. He was always hungry and often hunted for food. One day, as he was wandering through the woods, he saw an eagle flying overhead with a goose in its talons. The wolf thought to himself, "If only I could fly like that eagle, I would never have to hunt again!"
Just then, a beaver swam by and said, "Hello, Wolf. Why do you look so sad?" The wolf explained his envy of the eagle's ability to fly and catch prey so easily. The beaver thought for a moment and then said, "I know of a moose who can grant wishes. If you promise to be kind to the creatures of the forest, I will take you to him."
The wolf agreed, and the beaver led him to the moose. The moose listened to the wolf's request and granted it, giving him the gift of flight.
From then on, the wolf flew through the skies, catching geese and other birds for food. But he soon realized that hunting was not as fulfilling as it once was. He missed the camaraderie of the forest creatures and the sounds of the animals, like the loon's haunting call.
The wolf decided to give back the gift of flight, and the moose took it away. The wolf returned to the ground, where he lived happily ever after, hunting only when necessary and making friends with all the creatures of the forest.


  1. How did the wolf feel at the beginning of the story?
  2. What did the beaver offer to help the wolf with?
  3. Why did the wolf give back the gift of flight?
  4. How did the wolf feel at the end of the story?
  5. What lesson did the wolf learn about happiness?

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