Frosty's New House

Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a snowman named Frosty. Frosty had a big mouth that he used to sing and play with the kids. He also had a nose made of a carrot and two twinkly eyes that sparkled in the sun.

One day, Frosty decided to visit a house in the village. When he got there, he saw two kids playing outside. He approached them with his arms wide open, ready to play. The kids were so excited to see a real snowman and they ran to him. They played in the snow and built a fort together.

Frosty was having so much fun with the kids that he didn't want to leave. He decided to stay with them and make the house his own. From that day on, Frosty lived in the house and played with the kids every day. He became their best friend and they all lived happily ever after.


  1. What did Frosty have in his mouth?
  2. How many eyes did Frosty have?
  3. Why did Frosty decide to stay at the house?
  4. How did the kids feel when they saw Frosty?
  5. What did Frosty and the kids do together?
  6. What was the snowman's name?
  7. What did Frosty use for his nose?

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