Fish and Bug: A New Friendship

Once upon a time, there was a little fish who lived in a pond surrounded by grass, leaves and fruit trees. The fish loved to eat fruits that fell into the water and the seeds that came with them. One day, the fish noticed a tiny bug munching on a leaf. The bug was so small that it didn't even notice the big fish swimming near it. The fish thought it would be fun to play with the bug, so it swam over to say hello. The bug was scared at first, but the fish assured it that it meant no harm. The two new friends spent the day playing in the pond, eating fruits and seeds, and swimming amongst the grass. They became the best of friends and had many more adventures together. The end.


  1. What did the fish love to eat in the pond?
  2. Why did the bug become scared when it saw the fish?
  3. How did the fish and bug become friends?
  4. What kind of adventures did the fish and bug have together?

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