Billy and Friends: A Day of Singing, Playing, Reading, Eating, Hunting, and Flying

Once upon a time, there was a little bird named Billy who loved to sing. Every day, he would soar through the sky and sing his heart out. One day, he met a group of animals who also loved to play and read. They would play games and read books together every day. But they were always hungry, so they decided to go on a hunt for food. They found berries and fruits to eat, and they all feasted together.
As the sun set, they all cuddled up in their nests and went to sleep, dreaming of flying and singing together again the next day. The end.


  • What did Billy the bird love to do?
  • Who did Billy meet in the story?
  • What did the group of animals do together every day?
  • What did they go on a hunt for?
  • What did they find to eat?
  • How did they all feel at the end of the day?

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