Sophie's Adventure in the Park

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Sophie. Sophie loved to dress up and play with her clothes. She had a big closet filled with all kinds of clothes, from jeans and trousers to T-shirts and blouses.

One day, Sophie decided to go for a walk in the park. She looked through her closet and picked out a pair of comfortable sandals to wear on her feet. She also grabbed a pretty scarf to wrap around her neck.

As she was leaving her house, she realized that it was a bit chilly outside. So, she went back and grabbed a warm jacket to wear over her T-shirt.

Sophie had a great time walking around the park, taking in all the sights and sounds. She saw some children playing football and others riding their bikes. She even saw a group of people playing music on a bandstand.

As she was getting ready to go home, she realized that it was starting to rain. She quickly put on her shoes and ran back home, laughing and giggling all the way.

Sophie had so much fun that day, and she couldn't wait to go out and play with her clothes again. She knew that with her jeans, trousers, shoes, sandals, T-shirts, shirts, blouses, jumpers, skirts, scarfs, and jackets, she could always find the perfect outfit for any adventure.

The end.


  1. Why did Sophie decide to wear a scarf on her walk in the park?
  2. What did Sophie do when she realized it was starting to rain?
  3. How did Sophie feel at the end of her walk in the park?

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