Jumbo's Adventure in the Dark Forest

Once upon a time, there was a round and tall fuzzy creature named Jumbo. He lived in a puffy cloud in the sky, where it was always darker than on the ground. Jumbo loved to roll and play in his cloud, but he also liked to explore the world below. One day, he decided to go on an adventure and see what he could find. He rolled down from his cloud and landed in a beautiful forest. As he explored, he met many different animals, but none as unique as himself. In the end, Jumbo realized that being himself was the best thing of all, and he happily rolled back up to his puffy cloud in the sky.


1) What was Jumbo's home like?
2) Why did Jumbo go on an adventure?
3) What did Jumbo learn during his adventure?
4) How did Jumbo feel at the end of the story?

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