The Creative Fix-it Girl: A Tale of Tape and Pencils

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sarah who loved to draw. One day she made a mistake while drawing and she didn't have an eraser to fix it. She thought and thought about what she could do, then she remembered something she saw in her teacher's desk. She ran to the teacher's desk and found a pencil with an eraser on one end and a pen on the other.

She was so happy and started to use the eraser to fix her mistake, but it wasn't working. Then she remembered that sometimes when her teacher made mistakes, she used tape to cover it up. So Sarah decided to try using tape to cover her mistake.

She found some tape and put it over the mistake, and it looked like the mistake had never happened! Sarah was so proud of herself for finding a solution to her problem. She learned that when she needs to fix a mistake, she can always find a way if she thinks creatively.


-What was the problem in the story?
-Why did Sarah use tape to fix her mistake?
-What did Sarah learn from this experience?
-What could she have done differently to fix her mistake?

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