The Fruity Adventure Party

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived a group of fruits. Each fruit had their own unique personality and characteristics.

There was Hot, a spicy pepper who loved to dance in the sun. Cold, an ice cube who loved to chill and play in the snow. Pen, a writing utensil who loved to write stories. Pencil, a drawing utensil who loved to draw pictures.

Apple, a round red fruit who loved to play with her friends. Banana, a yellow fruit who loved to play the drums. Lemon, a sour fruit who loved to play tricks on her friends. Pineapple, a sweet and prickly fruit who loved to sing.

Grapes, a bunch of purple fruits who loved to play hide and seek. Cherry, a small red fruit who loved to play dress up. Pear, a green fruit who loved to play tag.

One day, Hot, Cold, Pen, Pencil and all the fruits decided to have a big party together. They invited all their friends from the forest and they had so much fun. Hot and Cold danced together, Pen and Pencil wrote and drew stories and pictures, and all the fruits played games together.

In the end, they all had a delicious fruit salad made of apples, bananas, lemons, pineapples, grapes, cherries and pears.

It was a day filled with laughter, fun and friendship, and they all lived happily ever after.


  1. What are some of the unique characteristics and personalities of the different fruits in the story?
  2. Why did Hot, Cold, Pen, and Pencil decide to have a party together?
  3. What did the fruits do at the party?
  4. How did the fruits work together to make the fruit salad at the end of the story?
  5. What can we learn from the story about friendship and having fun together?

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