Once upon a time, on a pirate ship, there was a brave captain named Captain Broccoli. He loved broccoli so much that he had it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. One day, while sailing the seven seas, Captain Broccoli heard a strange noise coming from the hold of the ship. He went down to investigate and found a scared gorilla, who told him about a ghost that haunted the ship. Captain Broccoli wasn't scared of ghosts, but the gorilla was terrified.
Captain Broccoli gathered all the pirates and together they searched the ship from top to bottom. But they couldn't find the ghost anywhere. Suddenly, a vampire appeared and said that he knew where the ghost was hiding. The vampire led them to the hold of the ship and showed them the ghost, who turned out to be just a mischievous monkey playing pranks.
The pirates and the gorilla were relieved, and Captain Broccoli rewarded the vampire with a big plate of broccoli. From that day on, the vampire and the gorilla became good friends and sailed the seas with the pirates. And they all lived happily ever after.
The end.
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