The Adventures of Max and His Reading Buddy

Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Max who loved to read books before bed every night. One night, as he was reading, he had an idea to climb a big tree in the park with his buddy. So, the next day they went to the park and started to climb the tree. Max brought a book with him to read at the top of the tree. When they finally reached the top, they had a difficult decision to make. They had to choose which book to read first. They both wanted to read their own book, so they decided to take turns reading each other's favorite story. They spent the whole day up in that tree, reading and having fun. From then on, Max and his buddy made it a tradition to climb the tree every weekend and bring their favorite books to share with each other.


  • Who is the main character in the story?
  • What does Max do every night before bed?
  • What inspired Max to climb a tree with his buddy?
  • How did Max and his buddy decide which book to read first?
  • Why did Max and his buddy make it a tradition to climb the tree every weekend?

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