The Safe Haven: A Playground Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a pond near a playground. The children would often play near the pond and have fun. One day, a bird flew into the pond and got stuck. The children wanted to help the bird, but they were afraid to go into the water as it was deep and not safe.

So, they decided to build a cage and put it near the path that led to the pond. They made sure the cage was strong and safe for the bird. After a few days, the bird flew into the cage on its own and the children were overjoyed.

They took the bird to a nearby park and released it. From that day on, the bird visited the children every day, and they would play together in the playground. The children learned an important lesson about being safe and helping others in need. The end.


  1. Why was the bird stuck in the pond?
  2. What did the children do to help the bird?
  3. How did the children make sure the cage was safe for the bird?
  4. What did the children learn from this experience?
  5. What would you have done if you were one of the children in the story?

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