The Swamp Band's Quiet Play

Once upon a time, there was a band of musicians who lived in a swamp. They played music every day, but one day they wanted to play for the whole swamp. They made their way to the center of the swamp, where it was quiet, and began to play. The animals of the swamp were amazed by the beautiful music and came out to listen. They danced and played along to the beat. From that day on, the band played music in the quiet center of the swamp every day and the whole swamp was filled with joy and happiness.


-What kind of music do you think the band played?
-Why do you think the swamp was quiet?
-How did the animals react to the music?
-Do you think the band will keep playing music in the swamp?
-What do you think the whole swamp would be like if the band never played music?

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