The Tallest Frog in the Pond

Once upon a time, there was a strange and odd little frog. It lived in a pond with all its tadpole friends. But this frog was different, it grew in a way that was not like any other frog. Instead of growing bigger, it grew taller! The tadpoles were amazed by how tall the frog had become and often asked for help reaching things from high up. The strange frog was happy to help and soon became the tallest frog in the pond. Everyone learned that even though someone may be different, they can still be a great friend and make a big difference in the lives of others.


  1. How did the frog feel when it grew taller than all its friends?
  2. What did the tadpoles think of the tall frog?
  3. Why was the tall frog happy to help its friends?
  4. What does the story teach us about differences and friendship?

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