Berty the Puzzle-Solving Bear

Once upon a time in a forest, there was an old bear named Berty. He loved solving puzzles and had a huge pile of them in his den. One day, a young bear came to him and asked for help solving a puzzle. Berty was happy to give it a try and solved it in no time. The young bear was amazed and asked if he could keep the puzzle. Berty smiled and said, "Of course, you can keep it. I have so many puzzles I don't need them all." From that day on, the young bear visited Berty every day to solve a new puzzle and eventually became an expert at solving them. The end.


  1. Why did the young bear go to Berty's den?
  2. How did the young bear feel when he first saw Berty solve the puzzle?
  3. What did Berty say to the young bear when he asked if he could keep the puzzle?
  4. How did the young bear feel after visiting Berty every day to solve puzzles?
  5. Why do you think Berty was happy to help the young bear solve the puzzles?

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