The Journey of the Seed and the Egg

Once upon a time, there was a little seed that lived in the north. The seed was very curious and loved to explore the world. One day, the seed heard that in the south, the plants grew tall and strong because of the warm spring weather.

The seed decided to take a journey to the south to see the plants for itself. On the way, the seed met an egg who was also on a journey. The egg told the seed that it was on its way to find a place to hatch.

Together, the seed and the egg continued their journey to the south. When they arrived, they saw that the plants were indeed tall and strong. The seed was amazed by their beauty and asked the plants how they grew so well.

The plants told the seed and the egg that they were able to grow so well because they had access to plenty of water and sunlight. The seed was inspired and decided to plant itself in the south.

The spring passed and the seed grew into a beautiful plant. The egg hatched into a baby bird, and the two became best friends. They spent the fall and winter together, playing and enjoying each other's company.

And so, the seed and the egg learned that even though they came from different places, they could still be friends and live happily ever after.


  1. What was the seed's purpose for its journey to the south?
  2. Why did the plants in the south grow so well?
  3. How did the seed and the egg become friends?
  4. How did the seed change from the beginning of the story to the end?
  5. What did the seed and the egg learn from their journey together?

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