The Sprout, the Egg, and the Bird

Once upon a time, in the fall, a small seed was ready to be planted. The farmer carefully dug a hole and placed the seed in it. Then, he covered it with soil and patiently waited for the spring to arrive.

As the spring arrived, the sun started shining brighter and the soil started warming up. One day, the farmer noticed a tiny sprout coming out of the ground where he had planted the seed. It was growing taller day by day and soon became a beautiful plant with leaves and branches.

One day, the plant had a surprise for the farmer. It had produced an egg! The farmer was amazed and took good care of the egg until it hatched into a little bird. The bird flew away and promised to come back to the plant every spring to lay its eggs.

And so, the cycle continued every year. The fall came, and the farmer planted a seed. In the spring, the seed grew into a plant and produced an egg. And the bird returned to lay its eggs on the plant. The farmer was happy, and the bird was happy, and the plant was happy too!

The end.


  1. What happened in the fall?
  2. Why did the farmer plant the seed?
  3. What did the plant grow into?
  4. What was inside the egg?
  5. What did the bird do every spring?

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