The Animal and its Riverbank Nest

Once upon a time, in a beautiful country, there was a river that flowed through a vast field filled with grains. One day, an animal came to the field looking for a place to build its nest. The animal searched around the field and saw a perfect spot near the river. It gathered twigs and leaves and built a cozy nest in the branches of a tree. Every day, the animal would go out into the field to gather grains to feed its family. The field was always filled with vibrant colors, the sound of the river flowed in the background, and the sun shone down on the happy animal and its nest. The end.


  1. What kind of animal was in the story?
  2. Where did the animal build its nest?
  3. What did the animal gather every day?
  4. What did the field look like?
  5. How did the animal feel in its new home?

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