Timmy's Ache Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Timmy who had an earache. His throat hurt and he was coughing a lot too. Timmy's mom took him to the doctor. The doctor looked at Timmy's knee and listened to his chest. He said Timmy had an ache in his chest. Timmy needed medicine to help him feel better. Timmy took the medicine and soon he was feeling much better. He was able to play and have fun without an ache in his chest or ear. The end.


  1. What was wrong with Timmy?
  2. Why did Timmy's mom take him to the doctor?
  3. What did the doctor do to help Timmy feel better?
  4. How did Timmy feel after taking the medicine?
  5. What did Timmy do after he felt better?

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