The Little Plant That Could

Once upon a time there was a little plant that wanted to grow big and strong. The plant asked the sun, "Please give me sunlight so I can grow." The sun replied, "Of course! I'll shine on you every day."
Next, the plant asked the soil, "Please give me a good home so I can grow." The soil answered, "You got it! I'll hold you tight and provide all the nutrients you need."
Finally, the plant asked for water. "Please give me water so I can grow," the plant said. And the rain replied, "Don't worry, I'll come and visit you regularly."
With all three things the plant needed, it started to grow tall and strong. And the little plant became a big, beautiful tree!
The end.


  1. Why does the little plant want to grow big and strong?
  2. What does the sun, soil, and water do for the plant?
  3. How do you think the plant feels when it becomes a big, beautiful tree?
  4. What do you think is the importance of sunlight, soil, and water for plants?

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