Spot's Sweet Thirst Quencher

Once upon a time, there was a little bird named Spot who lived in a lemon tree. Spot was feeling very thirsty, so he flew down to the ground to look for water. But instead of water, he found a big pile of sweet lemons! Spot squeezed one of the lemons and to his surprise, it was filled with the sweetest lemonade he had ever tasted! Spot drank and drank until he was no longer thirsty. From that day on, whenever Spot felt thirsty, he would fly down from his tree and squeeze a fresh lemon for a sip of sweet lemonade. The end.


  1. Why was Spot feeling thirsty?
  2. What did Spot find instead of water?
  3. How did Spot feel after drinking the lemonade?
  4. What did Spot do whenever he felt thirsty from then on?
  5. Can you think of other things Spot could have done to quench his thirst?

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