Tweety's World Tour Adventure: Discovering Different Lands.

Once upon a time, there was a curious little bird named Tweety who wanted to explore the world. So one day, he set out on an adventure and visited many different places like the scorching hot desert, the icy tundra, the towering mountains, the rolling plains, the vast ocean and the lush rainforest.

Along the way, Tweety met many new friends and learned about their habitats, cultures, and lifestyles. In the end, Tweety realized that each environment is unique and special in its own way and that it's important to respect and protect them all. The end.


  1. What kind of places did Tweety visit on his adventure?
  2. Who did Tweety meet on his journey?
  3. What did Tweety learn about the different environments he visited?
  4. Why is it important to respect and protect different habitats?
  5. Can you name one place that Tweety visited that you would like to explore someday?

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