Sarah and the Sloth's Snooze in the Rainforest

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Sarah who loved to explore the rainforest. One day, she was feeling too tired from all her adventures and decided to take a snooze. As she dozed off, she forgot about the noisy animals around her and was soon fast asleep. Suddenly, she felt herself being lifted into the air. When she opened her eyes, she saw that she was being carried by a friendly sloth! The sloth gently placed her in a cozy tree branch and told her to take a nap. Sarah smiled and closed her eyes, feeling grateful for the sloth's kindness. From then on, she never forgot to appreciate the peaceful moments in the rainforest.


  1. What was the girl’s name in the story?
  2. What was she feeling when she took a nap in the rainforest?
  3. Who lifted her into the air and put her in a cozy tree branch to sleep?
  4. How did the girl feel after the sloth helped her take a nap?
  5. What can we learn from the story about kindness and appreciation of peaceful moments?

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