Shell's Healing Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little animal named Shell who lived in the forest. One day, Shell woke up with a high fever and felt very sick. She couldn't walk on her paw properly because it was broken.

But Shell didn't give up. She found a hoof from a horse and put it on her paw to help her walk. As she hobbled through the forest, she heard a crack. Suddenly, the hoof broke, and Shell fell to the ground.

But then, a kind-hearted squirrel came to her rescue. The squirrel went to the river, got some mud, and put it on Shell’s paw. The mud helped Shell's paw heal, and soon she was able to walk again, without any pain.

From then on, Shell always remembered to take good care of herself and her paws. The end.


  1. What was wrong with Shell?
  2. How did Shell try to walk with her broken paw?
  3. Who helped Shell when she fell?
  4. What did the squirrel do to help Shell's paw heal?
  5. What did Shell learn from this experience?

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