Title: "Stripey the Brave Tiger

Once upon a time, there was a tiger named Stripey with bright eyes and a strong body. Stripey loved showing off his fluffy stripes to all the other animals in the jungle. But one day, he heard that a hunter was coming to catch him and take him away to a zoo.
So, Stripey got ready. He practiced running fast, jumping high, and hiding well. When the hunter finally arrived, Stripey was ready. He used all his skills and outsmarted the hunter, escaping into the jungle where he lived happily ever after. The end.


  1. Why did Stripey get ready when he heard about the hunter coming?
  2. What skills did Stripey use to escape the hunter?
  3. How did Stripey feel after escaping the hunter?
  4. Can you think of another animal that could have stripes?

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