The Glassblower's Silly Bubble

Once upon a time, there was a glassblower named Tim. He had all the tools he needed to make beautiful glass objects: an oven to heat the glass, a bowl to mix the colors, and a pipe to blow air into the molten glass.
One day, Tim was making a special glass bubble for a princess' birthday. He heated the glass in the oven until it was hot and melted, then he mixed in some sparkly colors into the bowl.
Using his pipe, Tim began to blow air into the melted glass, forming it into a perfect round bubble. But as it grew, Tim realized that it was getting too big to hold with his hands! He thought quickly and used one of his tools to shape the bubble into a funny, wiggly shape that made everyone laugh.
The princess loved the bubble so much, she asked Tim to make one for each of her friends. And so Tim became a famous glassblower, known for his silly bubbles and happy creations. The end.


  1. What tools did the glassblower have?
  2. How did Tim make the bubble for the princess?
  3. Why did Tim make the bubble into a silly shape?
  4. How did Tim become famous?
  5. Can you think of something you could make with melted glass?

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