The Flying Scarecrow

Once upon a time, there was a farmer who lived on a windy farm. He had a trusty tractor to help him plow and plant his fields of corn. One day, the wind was blowing so hard that the farmer was afraid his crops would be destroyed. So, he decided to make a scarecrow to scare away the birds and protect his corn.
He placed the scarecrow in the middle of the field and went back to his farmhouse. The next morning, when he went back to check on his crops, he saw that the scarecrow was gone! He searched all over but couldn't find it.
Just then, the wind started to blow even harder, and the farmer heard a strange noise. It was the scarecrow, and it was flying through the air! The scarecrow was scaring all the birds away from the farmer's corn, and the crops were safe.
The farmer was so happy that he made many more scarecrows and placed them all around his farm. From then on, the windy farm was always protected, and the farmer's crops of corn were always safe and abundant.

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