The Winter Migration Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a flock of birds who lived in the winter. They had to migrate to survive, flying to warmer places when the weather got too cold. This year, they decided to fly to a new place they had never been to before. They flew and flew, until they finally found the warm place they were looking for.

But when it was time to return home, they realized that they could not remember the way back. They tried flying in different directions, but nothing seemed right. Some of the birds started to get worried and wondered if they would ever make it home.

Just then, one of the birds had an idea. "Let's look for clues!" she said. So, they searched and searched until they found a clue that led them back home. And when they finally arrived, they were so happy to see their families and friends again. They learned that they needed to be careful and remember where they were going, so they would never get lost again.

From that day on, they made sure to keep track of their journey, so they would always be able to find their way back home. And they all lived happily ever after!


  1. Why did the birds have to migrate in the winter?
  2. What happened when they tried to return home?
  3. How did the birds find their way back home?
  4. Why was it important for the birds to remember where they were going?
  5. What did the birds learn from their adventure?

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