The Adventure of the Four Tastes

Once upon a time, there was a curious little girl named Lily who loved to explore new things. One day she decided to try different tastes - sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and she stuck out her tongue to taste them. But no matter what she tried, she couldn't make up her mind about which one was her favorite. She asked for help from her friend, a wise old sage.

The sage told her, "Lily, each taste has its own unique purpose in life. Sweet is like laughter and happiness, sour is like tears and sadness, salty is like sweat and hard work, and bitter is like the challenges of life. Try to find balance in all these tastes, and you will find joy in life."

Lily thought about this and decided to put it into practice. Every day, she would taste something sweet, sour, salty, and bitter, and she found that the combinations of these tastes made her food more enjoyable. She learned that life was like a mixture of tastes, and it was important to experience them all to appreciate the richness of life.

From that day on, Lily never stopped exploring new tastes and finding joy in the balance of life. The end.


  1. What did Lily learn about the different tastes?
  2. Why was it important for Lily to find balance in life?
  3. How did Lily feel when she tried different tastes?
  4. What did the sage tell Lily about the different tastes?
  5. What did Lily do every day to appreciate the richness of life?

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