The Happy Garden

Once upon a time, there was a small garden. In the garden, there was soil that was rich and fertile. The sun shone bright and provided the plants with sunlight to grow. The air was fresh and clean, making it easy for the plants to breathe. The water was pure and clear, and the plants drank it happily. One day, a little animal came along and saw how happy the plants were. The animal wanted to live in this wonderful garden too. So, the animal started to help the plants by watering them and keeping the soil healthy. The plants grew even taller and happier because of the animal's help. And the animal learned that by taking care of the plants, it was taking care of itself too. From then on, the animal and the plants lived happily ever after.


  1. What was the animal's motivation for helping the plants?
  2. How did the plants and the animal benefit from each other?
  3. What might have happened to the garden if the animal didn't help the plants?
  4. Can you think of other ways in which living things rely on each other in nature?

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