The Hare and the Tortoise: A Lesson in Patience

Once upon a time, there was a hare who loved to race and brag about how fast he was. One day, a tortoise challenged him to a race. The hare, confident in his speed, agreed.
As the race began, the hare passed the tortoise in a flash and took a nap after thinking he had won. But the tortoise kept a steady pace and eventually passed the hare, crossing the finish line first.
The hare was shocked and asked the tortoise how he managed to win. The tortoise simply replied, "Slow and steady wins the race." The hare learned a valuable lesson that day and never bragged about his speed again.


  1. Why did the hare take a nap during the race?
  2. What lesson did the hare learn from the tortoise?
  3. What does "slow and steady wins the race" mean?
  4. Would you rather be fast like the hare or steady like the tortoise? Why?
  5. What do you think would have happened if the hare didn't brag about his speed?

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