The Six Trucks' Adventure

Once upon a time in a small town, there were six trucks. They were all best of friends and loved to work together to help the community. The fire truck was always first on the scene to put out fires, the tow truck helped cars that broke down, the dump truck carried dirt and rocks, the garbage truck collected trash, the pickup truck helped with deliveries, and the flatbed truck transported heavy loads. One day, a big storm hit the town and knocked over trees and power lines. The six trucks rallied together to help clear the roads and restore power. They worked all day and night until the town was back to normal. The townspeople cheered and thanked the trucks for their hard work. From that day on, the six trucks were known as the heroes of the town. The end.


  1. What did each truck do to help the town during the storm?
  2. How did the townspeople feel about the trucks after they helped?
  3. Can you think of another way the trucks could help the community in the future?

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