The Equal Share

Once upon a time, there were two friends named Sam and Tim. They lived in a small village and had a habit of sharing everything equally. But one day, they found a big pile of candies while playing in the woods. Both got super excited but soon started arguing on how they should split the candies. Sam wanted a bigger share as he thought he deserved it because he found the pile first. Tim got mad and told Sam that everything should be equal.

After a lot of thinking and fighting, they finally came up with a solution. They decided to split the pile into two parts and compare which one was bigger. If it was still not equal, they would keep splitting the pile until both parts were equal. And that's what they did!

In the end, both friends learned an important lesson - it's always better to share and be equal, rather than being greedy and mad.

The end.


  1. What did Sam and Tim find in the woods?
  2. Why did they start arguing?
  3. How did they solve the problem of splitting the candies?
  4. What lesson did they learn in the end?
  5. Would you have done the same thing as Sam or Tim in this situation?

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