Once upon a time, there was a little pig named Pip. Pip loved to play outside in the fields, but one day, as he was running around, he lost his favorite red cap. He looked everywhere for it, but he couldn't find it anywhere.
Just then, an ant walked by and saw Pip looking sad. "What's wrong, little pig?" asked the ant. Pip explained that he had lost his cap and couldn't find it. The ant said, "Don't worry, I'll help you look for it!"
So the two of them set off to search the fields. They looked under bushes and behind rocks, but still no cap. Just as they were about to give up, the ant spotted something red peeking out from under a clump of grass. "Over there!" the ant shouted, and they ran to see what it was.
Sure enough, it was Pip's lost cap! He was so happy to have it back, he thanked the ant and gave him a big hug. From that day on, Pip and the ant became the best of friends, and they had many more adventures together.
The end!
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