The Boy's Adventure at the Farm

Once upon a time, there was a boy who lived in a house on the street. He loved to play in the field nearby, where he could run and chase after butterflies. One day, he decided to visit the farm next to the field. When he got there, he asked the farmer if he could help with the animals. The farmer agreed and the boy was so happy!
He spent the whole day feeding the chickens and playing with the pigs. Suddenly, he saw a rabbit running away from him. He decided to chase after it, and ran all the way to the edge of the farm. When he finally caught up to the rabbit, he found that it had led him to a secret garden! He was so surprised and happy that he decided to ask the farmer about the garden. The farmer smiled and told him that it was his secret, special place and he could come back and visit anytime he wanted. The boy thanked the farmer and ran back home to tell his friends about his amazing adventure.


  1. What did the boy do when he first got to the farm?
  2. Did the farmer let the boy help with the animals?
  3. What happened when the boy chased the rabbit?
  4. What did the farmer say about the secret garden?
  5. How did the boy feel after his adventure at the farm?

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