Timmy's Daily Adventures

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy. Every day, Timmy would get up in the morning and go outside to play. He loved to run and play in the sunshine all morning long.

But as the day went on and it started to get hot, Timmy would come back inside to rest in the cool shade of the afternoon. He would drink some lemonade and read a book until it was time for lunch.

After lunch, Timmy would go outside again to play some more. But as the sun started to go down, Timmy knew it was time to go back inside. He would have dinner with his family and then get ready for bed.

As the night came, Timmy would snuggle up in his bed and listen to the crickets outside. Soon, he would fall asleep and dream of all the exciting things he would do the next day.

And so, every day Timmy would come and go, playing and resting, until it was time to start all over again the next morning.


  1. What does Timmy like to do in the morning?
  2. What does Timmy do in the afternoon?
  3. How does Timmy feel at night?
  4. What does Timmy dream about at night?
  5. What is Timmy's daily routine?

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