Max and the Starving Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little mouse named Max. He lived in a small village with other animals. One day, Max got lost while seeking food and wandered into the forest. All of a sudden, he found himself starving. He searched high and low for food, but couldn’t find any. Just then, Max saw a shining star in the sky. He followed the star and finally came across a small cottage. The mouse knocked on the door and an old lady opened it. She welcomed him in and gave him a warm meal. Max was so grateful for her kindness and promised to always remember the way back to her cottage. From that day on, Max never went hungry again and visited the old lady whenever he was in need of help. The end.


  1. How did Max feel when he was lost and hungry in the forest?
  2. Why did Max follow the shining star in the sky?
  3. What did the old lady do to help Max?
  4. How did Max feel after he ate the meal at the old lady's cottage?
  5. Why do you think Max promised to always remember the way back to the cottage?

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