Title: "The Exciting Game of New Hide-and-Seek

Once upon a time, there were 4 friends named Tim, Tom, Tam, and me. We loved to play hide-and-seek together. One day, Tim said, "I have a new rule for the game. We can only hide in places we've never hid before." We all agreed and were ready to start. I went to count while the others went to hide. When I finished counting, I said, "Ready or not, here I come!" I searched high and low, but couldn't find Tom. Then, I heard a giggle behind a bush. I found Tom and said, "Gotcha!" We played for hours, always trying to find new hiding spots. The game was always exciting with new rules and challenges. The end.


  1. What was the new rule for hide-and-seek in the story?
  2. Who suggested the new rule?
  3. How did you feel when playing hide-and-seek with the new rule?
  4. Can you think of other rules to make hide-and-seek even more exciting?

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