José and His Loyal Burro, Amiga

Once upon a time in a small village, there was a man named José who loved to gather water from the well for his plants. He always took his burro, Amiga, with him to carry the water in a jug. One day when José went to the well, he noticed that Amiga was not following him as usual. He went back to his house and saw that Amiga was sick. José took care of him, feeding him and giving him medicine until he got better. From that day on, Amiga never left José's side and they were the best of friends. The end.


  • What did José always take with him to the well?
  • Why did José go back to his house instead of getting water from the well?
  • How did José show that he cared for Amiga?
  • Why did Amiga never leave José's side after he got better?

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